A Complete Guide to Synthesizers
At first glance, purchasing and understanding a synthesizer can be overwhelming. Synthesizers have multiple knobs and switches, use terminology you may not understand, and numerous menus on a small screen. This article will serve as a guide to answer all synthesizer-related questions....
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How to Record Great Bass Sound at Home
Recording your bass tone can be a fun but tricky process in a professional recording studio – and it can be even more challenging at home. While most professional studios offer high-quality equipment and a well-trained engineer, home recordings provide flexibility, comfort, time and control....
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Creatively Applying Robust Music Notation
Students are growing up in the most connected world ever, where technology makes communication, collaboration, and creativity possible at all levels of music education. How do we integrate intriguing and engaging lessons into our programs in the world of ever-changing technological tools? One answer is Noteflight!
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