The NAMM Show 2019: Day 3

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The NAMM Show 2019: Day 3 Image

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) hosts the largest and most recognized tradeshow in our industry, showcasing the newest innovations in musical instruments, accessories, sound, lighting and recording technology. We sent our Long & McQuade team to walk through Anaheim Convention Center in California to join over 100,000 visitors from all over the world to see the latest products from more than 7,000 brands.

On Day 3, we're taking a look at new products from Cerwin-Vega, Yorkville Sound, Dynaudio, Hughes & Kettner, HK Audio, Applied Research Technology (ART), IK Multimedia, Native Instruments, KRK, Stanton, Allen & Heath, Radial, Tonebone, Warm Audio, Universal Audio, Cranborne Audio, Audient, Nord, Vox, Korg and Novation. Check out the videos below for exclusive access to the NAMM show and to see what's coming to Long & McQuade stores near you in 2019!

DAY 1   |   DAY 2   |   DAY 3   |   DAY 4

Pro Audio & Recording



















Keyboards & Synths









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