NAMM 2018: Cymbals

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NAMM 2018: Cymbals Image


Sabian showed us their new line of cymbals, the FRX series. FRX cymbals, made of B20 alloy, are frequency reduced cymbals with mass removed in certain areas to eliminate some of the top-end and mid frequencies. This series includes 20” and 21” rides; 16”, 17” and 18” crashes; as well as 14” hi-hats.

They’ve also made changes to their O-Zone crashes in their XSR and B8X lines with 2 rows of smaller holes. The change to the O-Zone design makes for a trashy, bright cymbal that responds rapidly. They are both available in 2 sizes, 16” and 18”. (XSR 16" and 18"; B8X 16" and 18")

Sabian also showed us their Tollspire Chimes, which are B20 micro-splash cymbals. The name comes from the sound a bell makes, toll, and the shape of the chimes which is like a spire on a castle. They are great for drummers that work together melodically because they are melodically tuned. The Tollspire chimes are available in 5 sizes 4.75”, 5”, 5.25”, 5.5” and 5.75”.

They also came out with new practice cymbals called the Quiet Tone. They are made of stainless steel and are very durable. The Quiet Tone cymbals have a realistic tone but are quiet enough so you can practice. They are available in 4 box sets; 13” hi-hats and 18” crash-ride; 13” hi-hats, 14” crash and 18” crash-ride; 14” hi-hats, 16” crash and 20” ride; as well as 14” hi-hats, 16" crash, 18” ride-crash, and 20” ride.

Lastly, Sabian made the Crescent Series available to all dealers. This series consists of the Hammertone collection, the Stanton Moore collection as well as an Elements collection. The Hammertone collection includes 20” and 22” rides, a 22” china as well as 14” hi-hats. The Stanton Moore collection includes 20” and 22” wide rides, a 20” pang thang, a 20” trash crash, 16” and 18” smash crashes as well as 14” and 15” hi-hats. The Elements collection includes 20” and 22” rides, 20” and 22” distressed rides, a 22” china, 16” and 18” crashes as well as 14” and 15” hi-hats.

Check out the full video below:



Zildjian showed us their new collection in their K Zildjian line, the K Sweet collection. These cymbals are extra thin compared to other cymbals in the K Zildjian line. The crashes and the hi-hats have unlathed bells to retain the high, medium and low frequencies so that these cymbals have a high attack sound. The collection includes 21” and 23” rides; 16”, 17”, 18”, 19” and 20” crashes; and 15” and 16” hi-hats.

Zildjian brought back some of their older models. The 18” Uptown Ride from their Remix series (originally called the Breakbeat Ride) is back due to requests. It’s made just like the original cymbal from 1998 featuring big hammer marks, a small bell and unlathed surface. They also brought back the New Beat 12” hi-hats which were unpopular in the late 60s early 70s due to its small size. It’s a bright set of hats with a thin-medium thin top and an extra heavy bottom. The Uptown Ride, the New Beat hi-hats as well as the 14” Fast Crash are in the new Zildjian City Pack which is a great compact set for a touring drummer.

Check out the full video below:



Paiste showed us their new cymbals for 2018. New in the PST X line is the 16” Cajon crash, which will be replacing the PST 8 Cajon crash, and the 12” Cajon hi-hats. They’ve introduced some new stacks in the PST X line. The top cymbal is brass and the bottom is bronze. The bottom cymbal is inverted to provide minimal contact between the cymbals and the top cymbal is bigger than the bottom to shorten the space between the two cymbals. They come in two combinations, the 12” and 10” as well as the 10” and 8”. They’ve also added a new size of PST X Swiss medium crash, the 20” crash. The new crash projects more and has a wider frequency range.

Paiste showed us the new products in their Masters line. They added the Extra Thin crashes which are very responsive cymbals great for crescendos, suspended cymbal application etc. They are available in 3 sizes, 18”, 19” and 20”. They’ve also added a new size of the Dark crash ride, the 22” which is great for drummers who want a versatile cymbal. They also introduced new splashes, the Dark Splash in two sizes 10” and 8”. Paiste also introduced two new rides, the Dry Ride and the Extra Dry Ride. Both are great for low volume situations as well as high energy breakbeat playing. They are both available in 3 sizes, 20”, 21” and 22”.

Check out the full video below:

Keywords: NAMM 2018cymbalchinasplashcrashhi-hatsridechimescrash-ridesabianzildjianpaisteFRX seriesFRXB20 alloyo-zoneo-zone crashXSR o-zoneB8x ozonetollspiretollspire chimesmicro-splashquiet tonequiet tone practice cymbalsstainless steelcrescent seriescrescent by sabianhammertonehammertone collectionstanton moorestanton moore collectionelementselements collectionk zildjian linek sweet collectionuptown ridebreakbeat rideremix seriesnew beatcity packzildjian city packpst xpst x linecajoncajon crashstackmasters linemastersextra thin crashdark crash ridedark splashdry rideextra dry ridedrummerpercussionist