Gear Hunter

Mapex - MPX-P410TW

SKU: 767511 Model: MPX-P410TW Serial: 03242025A
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Very Good Condition

Mapex - MPX-P410TW
Mapex - MPX-P410TW 2

Sale Price: $249

Original Price: $249

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With standard features like single-chain drives, adjustable spurs, reversible beaters and solid base plates the P410 pedals provide solid performance and durability at a price that's perfect for younger players making their first step-up pedal purchase. Whether it's the single or double-pedal version, the P410 gets beginners off on the right foot.

* Single-chain drive mechanism
* Adjustable spurs
* Reversible beaters
* Solid base plates
* Durable

Single chain drive
Dual-Tone ABS reversible beater
Retractable floor spikes