Gear Hunter
Line 6 - Pédale multi-effets HX EFFECTS

Sale Price: $899.99
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This product may not come in original packaging.
**Please note that there a few light scratches. No original box. We do not have the original power supply, but we do have another one that is compatible with this unit.**
HX Effects For Your Pedalboard
HX Effects features 100+ effects taken from the award-winning Helix hardware and software processors, all in a compact, pedalboard-friendly format, and up to nine effects can be run simultaneously. In addition, legacy tones from the acclaimed Line 6 M-Series and Stompbox Modeler pedals are also included. Effortlessly edit tones using the eight capacitive-sensing footswitches, six scribble strip LCDs, and colour-coded LED rings. An industry-leading 123dB of dynamic range delivers tremendous depth and ultra-low noise. Extensive routing and control options provide flexibility in the studio or on stage, and facilitate easy integration with traditional pedalboards and amps.
* 100+ HX effects for your pedalboardrun up to 9 simultaneously
* Legacy effects library from M13, M9, M5, DL4, MM4, FM4, and DM4
* Capacitive-sensing switches with LED rings and scribble strips
* Can act as the command center for your entire amp and pedal rig