Gear Hunter

Mapex Maple Poplar Snare

SKU: 781352 Model: MPX-MPNMP465BMB Serial: 7150343 Views: 109
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Good Condition

Mapex Maple Poplar Snare
Mapex Maple Poplar Snare 2
Mapex Maple Poplar Snare 3

Sale Price: $219

Original Price: $219

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The hybrid shell brings together a blend of maple and poplar that are seemingly made for each other crafting a warm and solid crack with a great feel.

* Maple/Poplar Hybrid Shell for a precise and controlled attack.
* Armory Series Throwoff
* SONIClear Bearing Edges
* 7.2mm Maple/Poplar Hybrid Shell
* Remo UX Drumhead
* 1.3mm triple flanged hoops
* Transparent Midnight Black
* Black