Gear Hunter

Catalinbread - DIRTY LIL SECRE

SKU: 729972 Model: DIRTY LIL SECRE Serial: ng00yc3n
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Good Condition

Catalinbread - DIRTY LIL SECRE
Catalinbread - DIRTY LIL SECRE 2
Catalinbread - DIRTY LIL SECRE 3

Sale Price: $230

Original Price: $230

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Classic plexi to early 70s Marshall Super Lead and Super Bass sound and response.

Marshall amps helped supercharge the performance, and shape the sound of rock and roll. When the house lights dimmed, all you could see through the hazy darkness was the array of red pilot lights shining from a backline wall of Marshall stacks. In the absence of your own personal wall of Marshalls and the necessary road crew required to lug them around, the Dirty Little Secret (DLS) is the perfect secret weapon in your tone arsenal. This is your "always on" pedal, designed to be the "foundation" of your pedalboard, transforming any amplifier into those raging British stacks. It forms the core of your guitar sound which you can enhance and embellish by adding boosters, fuzzes, filters, and other overdrives in front of it.