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Dangerous Music 2-BUS LT Analog Summing Mixer

SKU: 247454 Model: 2-BUS LT Serial: 1408
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Good Condition

Dangerous Music 2-BUS LT Analog Summing Mixer
Dangerous Music 2-BUS LT Analog Summing Mixer 2
Dangerous Music 2-BUS LT Analog Summing Mixer 3
Dangerous Music 2-BUS LT Analog Summing Mixer 4

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The Path to Better Sounding Mixes from Your Digital Audio Workstation

For those seeking a powerful, straightforward summing mixer, or those who wish to expand the number of channels in their current analog summing rigs, meet the 2-BUS LT. The 2-BUS LT strips away non-essentials in order to bring the world's best analog sound within reach of anyone. You get sixteen channels of pristine analog summing, dual stereo outputs to feed both your monitoring chain and your mix path, and an expansion port for linking any of Dangerous Music's summing mixers together for even more channels.

The 2-BUS LT delivers quality you would expect from a full-scale analog console, but from a compact unit that was specifically designed for the home, project, and professional digital studio.


* Hand built in the USA.
* Active analog summing circuits by renowned designer Chris Muth.
* Crystal clear stereo imaging.
* Ample headroom to handle todays DACs (+27 dBu max input level).
* Effortless outboard gear integration.
* Full expandable with 2-BUS+, 2-BUS LT, and D-BOX
* DB-25 Connectors
* 1 rack space
* External switching PSU (+/-15VDC)


requency Response: 1 Hz-100 kHz within 0.1 dB

Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.005% in audio band

Intermodulation Distortion: 0.006% IMD60 4:1

Crosstalk @ 1 kHz: -97 dB

Noise floor: -83 dBu total energy in audio band

Max level: +27 dBu

Nominal operating level: +4 dBu

Input impedance: 25 kohm balanced

Output impedance: 50 ohms balanced (600 ohm drive capable)

Power consumption: 25 watts

Making the Analog Investment

When you buy analog equipment, you're making a real investment that will hold its value for decades. Analog technology is time-tested. It won't require an expensive upgrade, become incompatible with your computer or DAW, or start crashing. No matter what music production system you're using in ten, fifteen, twenty years, the superior summing capabilities of the 2-BUS LT will always be a relevant, compatible and valuable centerpiece in your studio.