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Modal Electronics - ARGON8

SKU: 719157 Model: ARGON8 Serial: ag-37-0000492106
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Excellent Condition

Modal Electronics - ARGON8
Modal Electronics - ARGON8 2

Sale Price: $999

Original Price: $999

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* 120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 3 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2.
* 32 static wavetable processors including de-rez, wave folders, wave shapers, phase shapers and rectify that can be applied to the 120 wavetables to give a mind boggling array of permutations and new waveshapes.
* 32 high resolution wavetable oscillators, 4 per voice, with 8 types of oscillator modifier including: Phase Mod (FM), Ring Mod, Amp Mod, Hard Sync and Windowed Sync.

* FATAR TP9/S Full size 37 key keybed with both velocity and aftertouch
* 1.54 inch large OLED display provides instant visual feedback to the user at all times of playing/editing
* Multiple keyboard modes, Mono, Poly, Unison 2, unison 4, unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4
* Inbuilt sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating
* Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes

* Two pole morphing resonant filter with multiple filter types
* Filter can be morphed from low pass, through band pass, to high pass

* Hugely powerful "Mod Matrix" with eight assignable slots with four additional fixed routes, 11 mod sources and 52 destinations
* A 4-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually 'locked' when desired
* Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions
* Two Audio rate LFO's with tempo sync (one poly, one global). Polyphonic LFO can sync to frequency divisions

* Waveshaping distortion
* Three incredibly powerful independent and user configurable stereo FX engines
* FX include Chorus, Phaser, Flanger (Positive or Negative), Lo-fi, Tremolo, Rotary, 3 x Delay types (Stereo, Ping-Pong, Crossover) and Reverb.

* Real time sequencer with 512 notes with input quantise and four recordable / editable parameter animations
* Delay FX, LFO's, sequencer and arpeggiator can be either clocked internally or externally

* 500 patch memories, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs and 200 user patch spaces. Patch upload and download through the free MODALapp
* 100 sequencer presets and 100 FX presets

* True 8 voice polyphonic
* Mono-timbral
Road ready Steel and Aluminium chassis
* Analogue clock sync in and out (configured to the KORG/Teenage Engineering specification)
* 1/4" Stereo Audio OUT
* Headphone Audio OUT
* Sustain pedal
* Expression pedal
* 3.5 Stereo IN
* Power (DC-9.0V-1.5A)
Width: 555mm / 22 inches
Depth: 300mm / 11-3/4 inches
Height: 100mm / 4 inches