Long & McQuade Learning Series - Renfrew, ON

Long & McQuade Learning Series - Renfrew, ON

Saturday, March 22  | 12:00 PM    

Guitar Basics and Beyond
with Fred Donkor

In this clinic, Fred will provide valuable beginner/ intermediate guitar tips to aspiring guitarists.

Topics include:

•    Advanced finger drills across the neck, how to play scales & relax

•    Barre chords

•    How to switch between barre chords

•    Advanced strumming patterns

•    Having fun with boogie blues

•    The blues scale

•    More soloing basics

•    How to sing and play        


Attendees are encouraged to bring their guitar!

Fred Donkor is a Berklee College of Music graduate and music teacher with the OCDSB. He is also an active freelance session musician & private instructor in the Ottawa area.

On the recommendation of Vernon Reid (guitarist from Living Color), he received a private invitation to audition for the Spin Doctors (on Epic Records) in NYC.


RSVP and inquiries:
[email protected]


Location: Renfrew 910 O'Brien RD    Phone: 343-361-3272