Concert Band Reading Session - Burlington

Concert Band Reading Session - Burlington
 This event has expired.

Music teachers - we've got another great reading session for you!

Composers David Marlatt and Ryan Meeboer are hosting a FREE music PD/Band music reading session at Long and McQuade Burlington. Fill out the form, bring an instrument, and come hang with us for the evening.

Come join us for some fun hanging with local instrumental music educators, playing through concert band pieces, old and new, that can be useful to your music program, both in class and extra curricular bands and discuss repertoire with fellow instrumental music educators.

Enjoy some Q&A time with Canadian Composers and Music Educators David Marlatt (president of Eighth Note Publications) and Ryan Meeboer and get the chance to win some door prizes!

Click Here to Register

Date: Wednesday, November 20 - 6-8pm
Location: 3060 Davidson Court, Unit #1 Burlington, Ontario
Fee: Free