Greyson Nekrutman Clinic - Edmonton, AB

Greyson Nekrutman Clinic - Edmonton, AB
 This event has expired.

As part of #LMDrumMonth2024, we are excited to offer this clinic on May 28.

Greyson Nekrutman currently plays with Sepultura and formerly with Suicidal Tendencies. You may have also seen him on YouTube doing some killer jazz and big band stuff. To say he's versatile may be an understatement. This is going to be a banger of a clinic!! Tickets are $15.

Greyson Nekrutman from Long Island, New York has been named one of the nation’s “top-performing high school jazz musicians” by the National Association for Music Education. He has garnered an international following through social media for his versatility and distinctive technique. From playing with Paul Simon’s bassist, Bakithi Kumalo to various New York metro area venues, Greyson is rapidly emerging on the music scene.

Presented by Long  & McQuade, with Pearl Drums, Meinl Cymbals, Evans Drumheads, and Vater Percussion. 

Contact Mike Kuehn at 780-432-0102 or [email protected] for more details.

Date: May 28th @ 7:30pm
Location: 9219 - 28th Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6N1N1
Fee: $15.00 (Tickets sold in store)