Rocktober Contests

Rocktober Contests
 This event has expired.

Online Contest – “I SPY” Rocktober Edition!

Don't miss your chance to spy something from our Rocktober flyer and win a $100 gift card weekly!

Each Monday, check here for the week’s direction, and then search the flyer (either your physical copy or the digital version found here) for an item that fits the bill.

Send an email to [email protected] with your full name, closest store, and your answer - for your chance to win a $100 gift card. 4 x $100 gift cards to be won!

This Week's Clue:
I spy with my little eye, something that is:
Oct.23-29 - purple

Oct.23-29 winner: Andrew K, North Vancouver BC
Oct.16-22 winner: Jarrad W, Abbotsford BC
Oct.10-15 winner: Stephen D, Scarborough ON

Oct.2-8 winner: Grant E, Lethbridge AB

Must be an Insider to qualify. Not yet an Insider? Click here to sign up! One entry per person per week.
Clues will be updated each week by 11am EDT on Monday, October 2, 9, 16 and 23. Winners will be notified by email on Monday, October 9, 16, 23 and 30.

Rocktober “Guitar Pose Challenge”  2023 Contest

Strike a Pose!

Strike your best guitar pose - without a guitar, for a chance to WIN an autographed Epiphone Alex Lifeson Les Paul Axcess Quilt in Ruby Red (Valued at $1,849!)
YES, this guitar is autographed by Alex Lifeson!

Post a picture to your social media of yourself in a guitar pose… the only rule is: you cannot use a guitar! Is your guitar invisible? A broom? A person?! We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Include the hashtag #guitarposechallenge in the description of your post to be entered for a chance to win!

How to enter:

Step 1
Follow us on the social media platform of your choice:

Step 2
Share a picture of your best guitar-less guitar pose and include the hashtag #guitarposechallenge by October 31st.
One entry per person.

The contest is open to residents of Canada. Valid entries are accepted by posting a picture on your social media platform and including the hashtag in the description during the schedule of the contest. One entry per person. Contestants must follow Long & McQuade on the social media platform on which they entered. The winner will be randomly drawn from posts under the hashtag #guitarposechallenge. The winner must be able to receive direct messages on their social platform so that further information can be communicated between both parties if necessary.


Rocktober “Drum Roll to Win”  2023 Contest

Drum roll, please!

Show us your best snare roll, without a snare or sticks for a chance to WIN a Mapex Black Panther Persuader Hammered Brass 6.5x14” Snare! (Valued at $860!)

Post a video to your social media of yourself playing a drum roll… the only rule is: you cannot use a snare drum or drumsticks! Will you use your fingers? Pens? Maybe vegetables?! Let’s see how creative you can be! Include the hashtag #lmdrumroll in the description of your post to be entered for a chance to win!

How to enter:

Step 1

(See above)

Step 2
Share a video of your best drum roll and include the hashtag #lmdrumroll by October 31st.
One entry per person.

The contest is open to residents of Canada. Valid entries are accepted by posting a video on your social media platform and including the hashtag in the description during the schedule of the contest. One entry per person. Contestants must follow Long & McQuade on the social media platform on which they entered. The winner will be randomly drawn from posts under the hashtag #lmdrumroll. The winner must be able to receive direct messages on their social platform so that further information can be communicated between both parties if necessary.