Long & McQuade Learning Series - Calgary (Royal Vista), AB

Saturday, March 18 | 2pm
The Greatest Drum Intros Of All Time!
with Brent Gerlitz
Join Brent for an informative and interactive drum workshop where he’ll perform and demonstrate introductions to some of the greatest songs ever written. All your favourites from Led Zeppelin to The Eagles will be covered in this open forum workshop. All materials will be included, so bring your sticks, your enthusiasm and your questions!
Saturday, March 25 | 1pm
All About Amps
with Steven Dorscher
Join us for a crash course explaining and demonstrating all the bells and whistles that today's modeling guitar amplifiers have to offer. Steven will also play through his most popular tunes from his repertoire - from Classical to R&B to Queen and everything in-between! The clinic will feature performances with Natalia Chai and Joshua Park (Stringendo Orchestra).
Registration & inquiries may be sent to the store at [email protected]