Engaging the Young Student with Eleanor Gummer - Vancouver, BC

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Engaging the Young Student with Eleanor Gummer - Vancouver, BC

Young students present challenges to teaching! A well-paced lesson can keep the momentum and interest flowing and create a wonderful musical experience for both the child and the teacher.

Eleanor Gummer will share her wealth of experience and expertise to show you how to structure a lesson and keep young minds focused. This interactive session will teach you how to choreograph a lesson with “stations” around the room. You will be introduced to activities and games to heighten the learning experience and encourage creativity. The importance of ear-training with the emphasis on singing at an early age will be explored. You will also be given ideas to make reading music a breeze for young children with games, songs and drills.

Discover how to develop a strong rhythmic sense with songs, games and board drills. Developing technique in little fingers and the importance of proper finger habits will be dealt with. Discover “colourizing” techniques to learn patterns and to facilitate note reading.


For more information or to register, contact the Vancouver store at [email protected]

Date: Friday, May 27 @ 9:30AM to 12PM
Location: Vancouver 368 Terminal Avenue    Phone: (604) 734-4886