Long & McQuade University - Edmonton, AB
EDMONTON NORTH: 13651 149 Street NW - 780.425.1400
Inquiries and Registration: Greg Ferguson at [email protected]
Saturday, March 19 | 3:30pm
Guitar Maintenance with Ben Tassell
Guitar tech Ben Tassell will cover a number of things to consider in order to keep your guitar looking and playing its best. Topics will include re-stringing, cleaning, adjustments and care.
EDMONTON SOUTH: 9219 28 Ave NW - 780.432.0102
Inquiries and Registration: Tom Kerr at [email protected]
Saturday, March 5 | 12pm & 2:30pm
Intro to Recording with Terry Tran
If you have, or ever wanted, a home studio, then this clinic is a must. Learn how to track and mix with software. Learn the differences between mics and micing techniques. There will also be a focus on setting up your home studio, including room treatment. Terry has worked with Theresa Sokyrka, Social Code, Shout Out Out Out Out and more. He is currently managing partner of the Audio Department, a recording studio and pro audio rental company specializing in vintage/boutique recording equipment.
Sunday, March 13 | 2pm
History of Fender with Peter Davyduck
Join us as Peter Davyduck of Fender gives us a look into the history of one of the most iconic brands in music history. From the revolution that Leo started to the legacy that continues in the hands of the soon-to-be-legends of today - Peter covers it all!
Monday, March 14 | 8pm
Live Sound with Graham Caddel
Graham will show you step by step how to set up sound for a band, with a discussion on mic techniques, signal flow, ringing out monitors and more. Graham is a well-known sound technician who currently runs the rig at On the Rocks, and is a Professor of Music Technology and Live Sound at Grant MacEwan University.
Wednesday, March 16 | 6pm
An Evening With Robert “Bubby” Lewis
Join tone expert Robert “Bubby” Lewis as he speaks about EQ, soloing tips and stories from playing with industry powerhouse artists like Snoop Dogg, Dr.Dre, Stevie Wonder and more!
Sunday, March 27 | 2pm
Jazz Improv with Charlie Austin
Now retired, the former head of the Piano Department at Grant MacEwan University taught keyboards, jazz theory, ear training, ensembles and improvisation for nearly thirty years, inspiring many students who have gone on to become leaders on the scene today. He continues to encourage aspiring musicians during his frequent appearances at local jam sessions.
Thursday, March 31 | 6pm
Signature Sound for Singers with Tamara Beatty
It’s so important for singers to put their own unique ‘stamp’ on their singing and performing. In trying to do this, many people tend to put forward parts of themselves and their singing voices that they think others like. But this leads many singers astray and doesn’t allow them to stand out authentically or pack a punch with their own unique sound and style. This clinic will cover: finding your unique “It Factors” & drawing them out in your voice and performance, the role vocal technique can play in finding your signature sound, zoning in on what really matters when you sing and perform.
EDMONTON WHYTE: 10832 82 Ave NW - 780.439.0007
Inquiries and Registration: Calvin Elias at [email protected]
Friday, March 4 | 6:30pm
Recording 101 with Ray Wilson
Learn the basics of what you need to capture your music using your computer. From hardware to software, learn what components are necessary and how to set up your new gear to begin recording in minutes. Ray has over 30 years of studio and recording experience. He is a sales manager at Yorkville Sound, owns Synergy Studio in Pickering, ON, and spends much of his free time educating others in the art of audio engineering.
Tuesday, March 22 | 7pm
Beyond the Acoustic Guitar - Introduction to Stringed Folk Instruments with Tracey Newman
Come to this session to learn an easy and effective approach to playing stringed instruments, such as banjo, mandolin, guitar and ukulele, for fun and recreation. This presentation is for first time instrument owners, as well as more experienced players who want to increase their song repertoire or add a second or third instrument to their musical adventures. This approach focuses on basic CAGED chord families combined with concise chord progression charts from the Nashville Number system, all activated by a simple “Say it and Play it” strumming and rhythm method. Tracey has been teaching guitar, mandolin, banjo and ukulele classes in the city since 2010.