Long & McQuade University - Saint John, NB
Wednesday, March 2 | 7-8pm
PA Primer with Phil Bustard
Does setting up a PA and EQ-ing leave you confused and blaming everything on the drummer? Well this course is for you! Phil will explain how to set up a basic PA system for a live gig. Monitoring, mic placement and proper EQ will be discussed as well as the sensitive topic of stage volume. He will teach you how to get a great F.O.H. sound and keep the band smiling all night long.
Wednesday, March 9 | 7-8:30pm
Guitar Care Clinic with Bill Koester
Bill has been involved in music sales and instrument repair in Saint John for 20 years. He specializes in guitar repairs, doing everything from a basic guitar setup to a complete overhaul of an instrument. Bill will discuss guitar maintenance and upkeep of your instrument to keep it sounding its best. He will also demonstrate how to properly change your strings and clean your guitar. You are invited to bring in your guitars and participate.
Wednesday, March 23 | 7-8:30pm
Interactive Ukulele Clinic with Sam Patterson
Back by popular demand, Sam will discuss and demonstrate rhythm techniques, patterns and essential chords. Bring your ukulele and join in and he will have you playing a song before the evening is over! Sam has a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a Jazz focus from St. Francis Xavier University and now teaches guitar, bass, voice, banjo and ukulele. Sam has a strong interest in composition, arranging, writing and singing in many diverse styles of music. He has performed with many bands including Hot Fuss, Sidekick, the Steve Waylon Band, Big Medicine and Saint John Idol as well as many award-winning Canadian recording artists.
Advanced registration is required. Registration & inquiries may be sent to
Phil Bustard at [email protected]