Basic Sound Workshop for Educators - Winnipeg, MB
Music Teachers and Choir Directors: Are you tired of having your Christmas and other school concert events ruined by terrible sound and screeching feedback? Have you seen enough parents with their fingers in their ears to last you a lifetime?
If the answer is “Yes,” then the “Basic Sound Workshop for Educators” is something you won’t want to miss.
In a three hour comprehensive and focused workshop, you will learn how to properly set up and equalize a simple sound system and interface it with multiple microphones and multimedia devices such as CD and DVD players, laptops and projectors, IPODs and more.
Workshop facilitator Tom Kowalsky has been teaching audio basics and sound system techniques for years. He is a 10 year plus employee of the Winnipeg School Division and has witnessed many AV disasters. Known for his simple analogy-based real world examples, Tom guides you through the process of setting up the sound system and having it under control. Better yet, you will better understand the factors that dictate how much control you have.This is information you can take with you and use at your very next event. Your school will thank you.
Registration is limited. Contact Jason at the Winnipeg store by email or at 204-284-8992 for details.
Location: Winnipeg (Pembina) 1845 Pembina Highway Phone: (204) 284-8992
Fee: $50 for 3-hour session