Spread the Word and Vote for Musicounts Today!
Musicounts is in the running for a $100,000 grant through the Pepsi Refresh Project.
This is a great opportunity for them to generate a considerable amount of money that will help them achieve their goal of ensuring that all Canadian children have access to a quality music program through their school.
In order for Musicounts to be awarded this grant, they need as many people as possible to log on to the Pepsi Refresh website and vote for Musicounts.
Visit the link and vote for Musicounts today. Help spread the word to as many people as possible!
Vote once a day in order to make Musicounts a contender for the top prize.
You can truly help Musicounts keep music alive in Canada's school. Start voting today!
MusiCounts’ mission is to ensure that children in Canada have access to a comprehensive music program through their school. MusiCounts includes Band Aid musical instrument grants, the MusiCounts Teacher of the Year Award, Scholarships and other music education initiatives. www.musicounts.ca