Staff Summer Concert Series - Victoria, BC

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Staff Summer Concert Series - Victoria, BC

Long & McQuade Victoria continues with its Staff Summer Concert Series, with a free in-store performance by the Sutcliffes this Saturday!

The Sutcliffes are a Beatles cover band, but one that has a slightly different take. Their focus is on the Beatles from Hamburg, to the Cavern, and the BBC studios - the songs they wrote, the songs they covered and the songs they loved, performed the way they played 'em- with fire and sweat. Oh, and guitars. They had guitars, too. It’s more than some of the best songs ever written, greater than a band featuring vocals that are the template for all subsequent artists, more resonant than studio recordings that still permeate contemporary culture. The Sutcliffes have figured it out: The Beatles rocked!

Don't miss it. For more info, please email the store.

Coming up Saturday, August 22, 2009: The Shorty Parker Band.

Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009 | 3pm
Location: Victoria 756 Hillside Avenue    Phone: (250) 384-3622