The Big Schmooze! - Toronto, ON

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The Big Schmooze! - Toronto, ON

Who is on the panel for this next Schmooze?

As  far as publicity and promotion go you couldn't ask for a better or more qualified group of people:
Richard Flohil is one of the most well-known publicists and concert promoters in Canada. Some of his most notable clients include: Serena Ryder, Muddy Waters, Ry Cooder, Miles Davis, Stephane Grappelli, Benny Goodman, John Prine, k.d. lang and King.

Dulce Barbosa formed dB Promotions & Publicity after gaining invaluable experience working for management companies such as Noise Management (Bob Wiseman) and World Services (Melanie Doane, Universal Honey, The Gravelberries and John Bottomley). At the same time she formed her own management company, “Manage DAT,” where her very first clients were a very young Our Lady Peace. Past and current clients include: Shobha, Rita Chiarelli,The Joys and Prototype A.

Described by The Toronto Star as “a starburst of energy--bright, bubbly and upbeat”, Tsufit is the author of the hot new award winning book, Step Into The Spotlight!—‘Cause ALL Business is Show Business! : A Guide to Getting Noticed.
Recently featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Tsufit now coaches entrepreneurs, musicians and CEOs to be stars. She also speaks at conferences about how to get seen, how to get heard and how to get noticed --by the media and by the crowds! WIN A COPY OF STEP INTO THE SPOTLIGHT @ THE SCHMOOZE!

Schmooze Membership Now FREE!!

Talk about free and easy, becoming a schmooze member just got a whole lot easier because it's free. To enjoy free admission to the Big Schmooze events, plus other benefits such as the upcoming Schmooze podcast, exclusive deals, discounts & contests.

For more information, please visit The Big Schmooze website.

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009 | Doors 7pm
Location: Toronto (Bloor St.) 925 Bloor Street W    Phone: (416) 588-7886
Fee: FREE for Schmooze Members; $10 for non-members