Gear Hunter

Avid - 9900-58670-40

SKU: 343776 Model: 9900-58670-40 Serial: BLDCV32100054F
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Good Condition

Avid - 9900-58670-40
Avid - 9900-58670-40 2
Avid - 9900-58670-40 3

Sale Price: $6598.68

Original Price: $6598.68

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Get the maximum complement of analog inputs and outputs with the 16x16 Analog configuration - the ideal choice for music production. It offers 16 channels of analog I/O, 2 channels of AES/EBU I/O, 2 channels of S/PDIF I/O, and 8 channels of ADAT (S/MUX) I/O. While all four I/O bays are occupied with this option, you can swap out any of the analog cards with a different option card to customize.