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Yamaha Intermediate Flute - YFL385II

SKU: 61275 Model: YFL385II Serial: 014988
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used Excellent Condition

Yamaha Intermediate Flute - YFL385II
Yamaha Intermediate Flute - YFL385II 2
Yamaha Intermediate Flute - YFL385II 3

Sale Price: $1125

Original Price: $1125

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Intermediate flutes prove to be a significant step up in the world of flute playing. They often require proper finger technique and precise breathwork; all in favour of producing a superior sound. This Yamaha intermediate flute proves to build these skills while still remaining familiar to the common flute player.

The YFL385II, a predecessor to the modern day YFL300 series of flutes, prompts players to align their fingers with it's open-holed, inline-keywork; foregoing the familiar offset-keywork to build fingering perfection. The sterling-silver headjoint provides an excellently warm sound while still having a tapered lip-plate to funnel air into the flute, subtly helping those who may find trouble. Players can still enjoy a regular range of flute playing, as this flute comes with a C-foot which still lets players build their expertise without diving too far into larger ranges.

*This flute will come with a case and cleaning rod, as well as a 3-month warranty*