Gear Hunter
SPL 2Control Monitor Controller

Sale Price: $1169
The 2 Control is equipped with two active output stages for headphones, whose level can be individually adjusted.
To be able to judge a mix via headphones, the super stereo effect, which affects the placement of voices and instruments in the stereo image and also reverb rooms and the generally exaggerated effects, must be corrected. This is done by the crossfeed control, thanks to which mixes created on headphones work just as well on speakers.
Crossfeed is a part of our Phonitor Matrix. In its largest expansion stage it has three adjustment parameters: Crossfeed, Speaker Angle and Center Level.
In the 2Control the Center Level is preset to -1 dB and the Speaker Angle to 30°. These are the most commonly used values.
The crossfeed function determines the crosstalk of the channels, the so-called interaural level difference. The intensity of the crossfeed is infinitely variable.