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MicroFreak Stellar is a hybrid synthesizer that combines digital oscillators, analog filters, quirky modulation, a uniquely flat PCB keybed, and expressive sequencing with a subtly out-of-this-world aesthetic design.
Interplanetary synth explorer
Discover the same loveable hybrid beast that sent the synth world into a spin, but primed for launch and ready for an interplanetary sonic voyage. MicroFreak Stellar features the same inspiring, bonkers sound but embellished with a unique space-age design.
Digital, wavetable, sampling, granular...
Treat yourself to only the weirdest & most wonderful paraphonic synth sounds with MicroFreak's multimode sound engine. Choose from numerous algorithms, including Wavetable, Chord, 4 new Sample & Granular engines and many more, and immediately customize your patches with 4 intui-tive controls and real-time visual feedback.
Multi-mode analog filter
Unlock truly unique hybrid tones by combining MicroFreak's digital sound engines with a crunchy resonant analog filter, inspired by the classic Oberheim SEM. With low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass modes, you can make this 'Freak whisper, scream, or launch into self-oscillating orbit.
Modulation matrix
Quickly rewire MicroFreak's architecture and delve deep into complex sound design with its mod-ulation matrix, offering up to 7 simultaneous destinations and 5 sources, including an ADSR enve-lope, cycling envelope, and 6-shape LFO.
Sequencing & randomization
Blur the lines between sequencing & arpeggiation and create spontaneous melodies, motifs, and rhythmic patterns on the fly. MicroFreak encourages musical exploration, expression, and evolu-tion with its unique Spice & Dice randomization feature, ribbon controller, and 4 lanes of automa-tion.
A unique keybed
Change the way you play and unlock fresh musical expression with MicroFreak's distinct PCB keyboard. It's flat, it's fast, and it's fit for everything from lightning-fast solos to instant arp crea-tion; not only is it pressure sensitive, but it offers poly-aftertouch too!
* Desktop hybrid synthesizer with unique Stellar design* 512 preset slots and 300+ factory presets
* Over 20 digital oscillator modes, including modes from Noise Engineering & Mutable In-struments
* New V5 firmware update introduces new Sample engine, 3 new Granular engines
* Analog State Variable Filter, 12dB/octave, resonant, Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass
* ADSR envelope with new snappy mode
* LFO with Sync: Sine, Tri, Saw, Square, Random, Slew Random
* Modulation matrix with 5 sources and 7 destinations (3 custom destinations)
* Cycling Envelope offering two modes: Envelope, LFO
* Monophonic or Paraphonic modes, up to 4 voices
* Chord mode lets you program a chord shape and play it on any note
* Scale Quantize lets you set a specific scale for the white notes to simplify the creative pro-cess
* 25-key capacitive keybed with polyphonic aftertouch
* Capacitive touch strip
* Crisp OLED display for editing and parameter values
* CV / Gate / Mod outputs
* USB, Clock and MIDI in and out
* Powerful arpeggiator with Up, Order, Random, Pattern modes
* Spice & Dice Gate randomizers
* 64-step sequencer
* 2 patterns per preset.
* 4 automation tracks per preset
* 6.35mm master and 3.5mm headphone output (TRRS input compatible for Vocoder engine)