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AirTurn - PEDPRO

SKU: 510036 Model: PEDPRO
Quantity Available: 1 Condition: Used

AirTurn - PEDPRO

Sale Price: $115.99

Original Price: $115.99

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New and Improved! Now rechargeable, the PEDpro is ready to work as soon as you take it out of the box. Just connect to your Bluetooth 4.0 phone, tablet or computer and select a compatible app!

No more purchasing batteries as the PEDpro comes with a rechargeable battery that lasts 150 hours on a charge and will recharge with a standard wall charger that comes with your phone or tablet.

For the customer who wants more control over response times, repeat functions, or would like to customize their own signals, the AirTurn Manager for iOS can adjust all this over the air. Need to update the firmware down the road? You can do that too!

Features include:

The AirTurn PED is the perfect controller for Bluetooth 4.0 equipped Mac, PC, iPad or Android tablets.*

* Works with hundreds of apps for reading music, scrolling lyrics or guitar tabs, teleprompting, slide presentations, instrument effects or media control, and many more.**

* Configurations are also available for assisstive technology and desktop applications.

Two silent touch foot switches for fast and quiet response.

Six easy to change modes for different uses. PED App Direct mode available with many apps supports the full virtual keyboard in iOS.

Bluetooth status LED. Low battery status LED.

Custom programming available with free MAC Utility app.

Light weight, thin profile - less than .7" (1.9cm) tall and easy to carry 4" x 6" (10x15cm).

Anti-skid control on the base.

Lithium Polymer battery lasts 150 hours on a charge.

Automatically turns off when tablet or computer is turned off.

*iPAD 3 and newer, Galaxy 4 and newer and all tablets and computers supporting Bluetooth 4.0. Does not work with iPAD 1 and 2

** for a complete listing of available apps