The next generation of the Marshall DSL series amps are laden with Marshall tone, features and functionality for the novice, as well as pros performing on the world's biggest stages. The new DSL models feature adjustable power settings, which delivers all-valve tone and feel, at any volume, from bedroom to stage. The new technology adjusts power to the valves, instead of just turning off valve stages, allowing the amp to remain articulate and dynamic.
Some innovative tweaks to the EQ circuitry have given the new DSLs even greater tonal flexibility. The EQ section of the new DSLs can deliver exactly what your ears are looking for.
Marshall's partnership with Softube has led to the creation of award-winning plug-ins, as well as exceptional tone in Marshall's CODE digital amps. The same team is responsible for the development of the new emulated output feature, found in the DSL series. Both the headphone out, and line out on the DSL models boast incredibly accurate emulation of the famed 1960 cabinet.
The DSL is now more versatile than ever, with new features including discrete master volume controls for each channel, built-in reverb and resonance controls.
• Gain and volume per channel
• Dedicated resonance control
• High and low power settings
• Reverb
• Now with Celestion V type speaker
• 2 separate master volume controls
• Softube emulated output
• 4 x ECC83 and 2 X EL34 valves
• PEDL-90012 2 button footswitch included.
• Dimensions (W x H x D): 620 x 490 x 252mm
• Weight: 50.5 lbs (22.9 kg)
Q & A
Question: Does this have an effects loop? - asked on Mar 5, 2024
Answer: Yes, this amp has an effects loop. - answered by Ron Elliott, Montréal, Quebec
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Question: Is there a foot switch for this amp? - asked on May 7, 2024
Answer: The Marshall DSL40CR has a 2-way footswitch for channel switching and reverb on/off. - answered by Wade Brennan, Pickering, Ontario
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Question: Does it come with foot switch or is it sold separately - asked on May 7, 2024
Answer: Two button footswitch PEDL-90012 IS included. - answered by Lisa Dong
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Question: Can I plug a 2x12 origin cab into the DSL40cr and still use the speaker in the amp or will I have to disengage it? - asked on Sep 2, 2024
Answer: You can plug a 2x12 in and still use the built in speaker. - answered by Ron Elliott, Montréal, Quebec
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You need the Pedl-91016 0 of 0 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Edmonton North, Alberta
The first amp lasted 3 days. The replacement is working great, thank you Anthony at Edm North. I usually play fender amps, so I decided to try a Marshall . After doing research it was a toss up between DSL20 and DSL40, The 40 plays well at low volume so for the extra money it was a no brainer. It can be smooth and creamy, or harsh with bite, it’s up to you.
The 6way foot switch really opens up the amps potential and it is highly recommended. This is my 2 week review, I will post if things change.
The amp is well worth the money and highly recommend
Posted by DennisPanasiuk on Feb 22, 2025
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Marshall DSL40CR 8 of 10 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Prince George, British Columbia
This is my first ever gear review and I only did it because I thought it might be helpful to others who either have this amp or are considering buying it. I’ve had this amp now for about 2 years. I play in a small bedroom at home for my own enjoyment to de-stress after work (much healthier & rewarding than going for beers). I don’t gig or play live and probably never will and that’s fine, it’s just my fun healthy hobby and I love it. I have limited skills but great ears and am mostly self-taught. The DSL40CR is my first tube amp and first Marshall. I play an EVH Wolfgang special and a Fender strat with EMG active single-coil Crossroads retro pickups. Through it I run a Boss ME-90 in 4CM and some drives/fuzz - Boss OD3, Dazatronyx Brown Sound (not good IMHO) + TSX10 (good), Behringer Super Fuzz (awesome & cheap…worth buying just for the boost setting!!) & an MXR Submachine (amazing!!). The fuzz and drives go best into the classic gain clean or crunch channel, depending on tone taste and settings. The ME90 works great with the amp and pedals, as long as I run the ME-90 FX loop send into the drives before the amp input and not vice versa (I really don’t like how dirt pedals sound after being digitized). The reverbs & delays sound great in the amp FX loop which seems to work very well for anything. I run the amp thru a Marshall 1960B 4x12 because I can and it’s fricking awesome (I live in a rural area with distant neighbours). Here’s my general thoughts on this amp based on playing alone in a small room (everything from clean to brown/high gain): Firstly and most importantly, this amp on every channel has (to my ears, in my small room) a horrid 1K mid-spike that is more hammer-on-anvil metallic than ice pick (this exists thru the combo speaker or 4x12, no real difference). This 1K spike may likely be a benefit if playing live with a band in order to help you cut thru the mix, but in a small room by yourself it’s extremely unpleasant & painful. To fix this I got an MXR 10 band EQ pedal, put it in the amp FX loop, and it DRASTICALLY improved (fattened, warmed up) the tone (cut the 1K down to almost nothing, cut the 31.25 + 62.5 to tighten the low bass, boost the 125 + 500 to warm up, drop the 2K a little bit, 4K & treble freqs to taste). I strongly recommend using a good EQ pedal in this amp’s FX loop, it really made it sound like different (much better, more expensive) amp. These EQ pedal settings also helped improve the tones on the ultra gain channel (OD1 & 2) but both those channels sound terrible IMHO no matter what (very thin, fizzy, cold, brittle, boxy, and way too compressed…but to be fair they do sound a bit better at very high ear-piercing volume, but who can handle that for too long). Also important, I’ve seen many reviews where players with this amp recommend diming the master vols and adjust overall volume with the channel vols – I’ve tried that with various settings and for the life of me can’t see how that sounds good at all, except if you’re aiming for a very clean sound on classic gain green - but not by diming the master, keep it b/t 11 – 1 o’clock and adjust overall vol with the channel vol – this works to create less gain and more clean headroom. Apart from this, all the channels sound way better to me when setting the channel vols b/t 9 o’clock to dimed with gain & master vol to taste – this seems to be by far the best settings for dirt pedals (thru classic gain channel) as well. Other random thoughts…this amp’s built-in (digital?) reverb is pretty weak but decent & definitely sounds better than nothing – I always keep it dimed. My amp’s power tubes came factory biased low at about 25mv, but I re-biased them (be extremely careful & do your research on how to do this safely!!) to the recommended 35mv and this really improved all tones. If you’re looking for a good early-EVH brown sound (or any good high gain sound), which I was and couldn’t quite get with this amp with or without any of the pedals I had, I just a couple days ago rec’d the MXR EVH 5150 overdrive which was immediately an absolute game changer (no exaggeration, it is sublime and this amp loves it – into classic gain green w/ gain & vol @ 9 o’clock & the EQ pedal in the amp FX loop). It’s hands down the best dirt pedal I’ve ever heard or played, by a country mile. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of finally finding the tone you’ve been chasing and feeling it envelop you in the room…it’s just sublime…I’ll probably do a different review on that pedal because it’s just so darn good. Also, based on recommendations from the Marshall amp forum, I have ordered a 12AY7 preamp tube for V2 & a 12AT7 tube for V4…this apparently helps to improve the overall tones on crunch and OD’s 1 & 2, but I haven’t rec’d them yet so fingers crossed. Overall I would say this amp’s tones are just ok on their own, but can sound GREAT with the right pedals/effects in front and a good EQ pedal in the loop. Hope this review is helpful to folks. And many thanks to L&M for all the excellent customer service and for shipping gear to remote rural areas.
Posted by Jono on Sep 26, 2024
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Big Marshall 3 of 4 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Ottawa, Ontario
Huge Marshall sound. I suggest the 6 button footswitch to access the 4-ish channels that exist within the monster.
Seriously, it's a must in a guitarists toolbox. The EL34's are well represented, throw in a VOX with EL84 valves, and you can have your own British invasion.
Posted by GaryMB on May 31, 2023
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Legendary Marshall 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Kanata, Ontario
I've had this amp close to 2 years. I love it. It's loud. The tubes provide the legendary Marshall sound. Capable of adding a cabinet. Only thing I'd love more is a smaller version without losing tone for small venues since all amps are mic'd up.
Posted by Stanley on Apr 26, 2023
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Love my Marshall DSL 40 1 of 2 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Calgary Chinook, Alberta
I have had this amp for a year now and love it. I had to buy the cover and 6-way foot switch separately, which I think should come standard. Classic Marshall tones and takes pedals really well. Only complaint is it gets a little squealy when cranked up with full gain. It's loud but I still get drowned out when I'm trying to keep up with my buddies 150 watt half stack. Overall, this is a fantastic amp!
Posted by anonymous on Nov 22, 2022
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Dsl 40cr rules 0 of 2 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I've tried it
Closest Store Québec, Quebec
Hyper versatility. Clean channel warm. Can do plexi jcm 800 jcm 900 sound. 2 masters is very cool. Reverb is not very good. Emulated out do the job. 20 40 watts switch is cool. Better with the 6 buttons footswitch in option.
Posted by Marc-André Poitras on Nov 6, 2022
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Marshall DSL40CR 0 of 1 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Prince George, British Columbia
I've played this amp in the store it seems like forever.
Traded in my Fender 68' Deluxe R for the DSL40CR.
Not putting down the Deluxe but not sorry to see it go.
(Have other Fender Amps - Vintage and Re-issue).
The Marshall for me is inspiring and makes me better.
I want to play more and when I'm finished playing
I want to go back and play some more.
Have not even gotten pedals out yet. Just this amp.
In fact just the amp with everything pegged at ten except
the Master. (Have neighbors so have to keep it down).
I'm so glad I bought it. Not sure why I waited so long.
Right fit and right time I guess?
Inspiring, so inspiring. (Wild Thing!)
Massive gain, which I like the most and Marshall Clean
like few others. Great all around rock and blues amp.
As someone has said elsewhere: "You never forget your first Marshall Amp; It's so empowering." 'and'
"it's time to tame the elephant.
Posted by Elephant Trainer on Nov 22, 2021
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Marshall DSL-40 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Lethbridge, Alberta
This amp is very versatile and has tons of tonal options it is totally gigable and is a very good quality amp.
Posted by Colter on Oct 15, 2021
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Marshall DSL-40 0 of 1 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Lethbridge, Alberta
This is a very versatile amp and can play various different styles of music it has tons of tonal options and is just a great overall amp to be honest you don’t even need a stack to play gigs this will do just fine if you use the 40 watts on it.
Posted by Colter on Oct 15, 2021
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Marshall DSL40CR 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Great overall amp. Has nice cleans and lots of OD options. Takes pedals very well. Good speaker in it. Takes a few hours of time to break it in. It’s not made in USA but the price is decent. I’ve had it now for about 3 months. Wish it had a cover.. the 20 or 40 watt option is great and easily selected. Big difference in the two modes obviously. Also has a stand by. Very pleased with it so far. I would definitely recommend this amp for a wide variety of music styles for guitar, so a well rounded versatile amp. It can get very loud if need be.
Posted by Richard on Jul 10, 2021
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It's a Marshall! 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Calgary Chinook, Alberta
It's a Marshall, looks like one sounds like one . Delivers classic Marshall tones and a more modern approach as well with the O.D. 2 channel and the tone shift feature. I wish it came stock with the 6-way footswitch. Gonna try it with the midi hookup on my Boss MS-3 and see if I can get the same kinda versatility that the 6-way switch offers. If you are a Marshall fan, you will really like this amp, if you are a Marshall first-timer, you gonna love this amp. Unmistakable Marshall grit!
Posted by Gary on May 26, 2021
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Awesome Amp 3 of 5 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Regina, Saskatchewan
I absolutely love this amp, I can play anything from Rock to Death Metal, I don't even need to hook up my distortion pedal to it, it handles baritone tuneings very well to, I play in A# one my 7 string and the amps response is really tight,its tone is amazing good, I highly recommend this amp,and its LOUD
Posted by Marvin on Mar 27, 2021
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Marshall Sound!! 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I've tried it
Closest Store Winnipeg (Pembina), Manitoba
This model sounds so much better than the older DSL C. No more of that fizzy top end.
Posted by James on May 14, 2020
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Marshall DSL 40cr new and improved!!! 5 of 6 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Calgary Chinook, Alberta
I owned an original dsl 40 combo almost 15 years ago. It overheated, had a strange fizzy/sizzle like sound that trailed the distortion and would just stop working from time to time.
This new version is an entirely different amp. The cabinet is shallower, wider and taller. It also has 3 or 4 amazing sounds which are simple to dial in. No overheating issues. As far as reliability - that remains to be seen but I am pleasantly surprised by how great this amp sounds. The originals had a Wolverine speaker the new ones have a v-type celestion. I think the new speaker sounds great.
Plug and play Marshall tube mojo at a somewhat affordable price. Enough power to gig with and a half power mode as well to practice with. It's a keeper - this time.
Posted by anonymous on Apr 26, 2019
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Great amp 1 of 2 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Surrey, British Columbia
This is a really good Marshall
Posted by wildbush Whiskey Steve on Mar 18, 2019
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Tube beast in a combo! 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Mississauga, Ontario
Been looking for a budget tube amp that has that 70s and 80s rock sound, this amp has go it all. Kinda loud, even in the 20w mode, but I can still get my tones approximately, especially the brown sound that Eddie Van Halen gets from his modded plexi.
Posted by Asifur on Feb 14, 2019
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This Amp Rocks 7 of 8 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I've tried it
Closest Store Brampton, Ontario
This is an amazing amp. Can go from clean tones to a bluesy subtle overdrive to high gain metal tones. If you want a versatile amp for gigging, this is a great choice. It works well with pedals, and because of the FX loop, you can use the amp's crunch while still keep clean any effects that sound better after distortion. If you want to use this amp in the bedroom, be sure to keep the power on low, since otherwise, it will be too loud. On the other hand, when doing a gig, feel free to set the power to high.
I?d recommend getting this amp. This is a great investment.
Posted by Nate on Dec 23, 2018
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Its worth every penny. 4 of 5 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The only down side to this amp is that it's really heavy. Without any pedals I can get a sweet heavy/ thrash metal, crunch and clean sound out of it. If you haven't gotten a chance to try it, give Long and Mcquade a visit and try one! You wont regret it! I'm positive this amp will be good for a lot of years.
Posted by Alexander Hettich on Dec 15, 2018
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Legit Marshall Tone 16 of 16 customers found this review helpful
Product Experience I own it
Closest Store Cambridge, Ontario
Only had it for a couple of days so I may update this later.
This amp is wonderful, the clean tones are warm, somewhat dark, and every bit as high quality as the Fender amps I've used in the past.
The distorted tones have a smooth sound to them but can get genuinely dirty when you crank the gain. It's a great tone you can get when you tame the major league bass kick the amp has. Of course it sounds better with the volume cranked.
This is a wonderful all around amp and was half the price of the other Orange, H&K and Fender options I was looking at. You can't go wrong with a legit Marshall.
Some have complained about the reverb. It's not particularly strong so you need to dime it but it sounds really good, it's just a room style reverb so it doesn't totally change your sound all that much.
One other thing to note, you can get reasonable tones out of it at lower levels, thanks to the master volumes. This was a concern for me because I wanted an amp I could play at home and could gig with a band. The 20 watt option works wonders.
Get this amp!!!
Posted by Garrett on Aug 26, 2018
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A warranty can be a very important factor when making a buying decision. Because repairs can be very expensive in terms of parts and labour costs, manufacturers usually only provide one year limited warranties that generally only cover items that malfunction due to a manufacturer’s defect. With an important purchase such as a musical
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Because of this, Long & McQuade provides our customers with a FREE one-year Performance Warranty on most of our products. The Long & McQuade Performance Warranty supplements the manufacturer’s warranty to ensure that our customers receive complete “no hassle” warranty coverage within their first year.
How does the Long & McQuade Performance Warranty differ from most manufacturers' warranties?
Performance Guarantee: Normal wear and tear is covered, so your product will be performing as well as the day you purchased it for the entire duration of the coverage. Band and Orchestral Performance Warranty does not include replacing pads or cleaning for woodwind instruments, unless deemed necessary by our repair staff. Ultrasonic cleaning for brass instruments will be provided if deemed necessary by our repair staff, but is not routinely offered under the Performance Warranty.
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Long & McQuade reserves the right to restrict the purchase of additional years of Performance Warranty. Used products come with a 3-month Long & McQuade Performance Warranty. Some products (i.e. computers, software, cymbals and other items) are covered only by the manufacturer‘s warranty. Consumables (i.e. strings, reeds, drum sticks, batteries, tubes, cross faders) are excluded as they are designed to be replaced. Cosmetic Damage, Accidental Damage, or problems caused by Humidity or Temperature Issues are not covered. Speakers damaged by overpowering are generally not covered. Our coverage does not provide compensation for loss of use. As of June 2018 the Performance Warranty is no longer transferable. The warranty is only valid in Canada.
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Some manufacturers provide warranties for longer than 1 year; however, these are usually limited warranties that do not provide the same coverage as the Long & McQuade Performance Warranty. Customers interested in more complete and convenient (but not necessarily longer) coverage are still able to purchase additional years of the Performance Warranty.
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