Departments > Band & Orchestral > Orchestral Accessories > Strings > Violin Strings > Pirastro > Pirastro Eudoxa Violin Strings with Ball End

Pirastro Pirastro Eudoxa Violin Strings with Ball End

SKU: # 195716   |   Model: # P214021   |    Product Reviews0 Reviews  Write a Review

Pirastro Eudoxa Violin Strings with Ball End
Your Price: $150.00 CDN
or from $22 CDN/mo
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Pirastro Eudoxa Violin String Set with Ball-end E string. 4/4 size. The world's most popular string for orchestral and chamber music. Produces a warm, soft, far-carrying sound; exceptional durability, tonal characteristics and response.

Q & A

Question: Is this a full set of 4 strings with ball end for violin? The image of the envelope only states that it is the A string.
- asked on Feb 4, 2024
Answer: This is a full set of strings.
- answered by Ron Elliott, Québec, Quebec
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