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Mel Bay Complete Method for Classic Guitar - Bay - Classical Guitar - Book/Audio Online

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Format: Book with Audio Online
Instrumentation: Classical Guitar
Level: Multiple Levels
Mel Bay's own method for the classic guitar, featuring a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of music and reading guitar notation, plus graded studies and pieces. This book presents classic guitar technique in a manner that anyone can easily follow. Musical and technical concepts are introduced gradually as needed throughout the text and driven home with ample musical illustrations. Information is provided on: basic right and left-hand techniques, reading standard notation, harmonics, and playing in various keys and positions. In addition to the many classical etudes included here by Aguado, Bach, Carcassi, Carulli, Diabelli, Giuliani, Sor, and others, Mel Bay has made a significant contribution to the student guitar repertoire by transcribing works by Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Mozart, Pleyel, Rubenstein, and others in the classical style. The pieces and exercises are arranged to progress systematically through various keys and playing positions. Written entirely in standard notation only. Includes access to online audio.
- A Night In Madrid
- A Serenade
- A Song By Aguado
- A Study By Aguado
- A Visit To The Relatives
- A Waltz By Sor
- Adantino
- Adventure - Ferdinando Carullli
- Alpine Echoes
- Andante - I.K. Mertz
- Andante - Mozart
- Andante - Anton Diabelli
- Andante - Ferdinando Carulli
- Andante - Ferdinando Carulli
- Andante In D Major - J. Kuffner
- Around The Samovar
- Austrian Hymn - Franz Haydn,
- Balkan Nights
- Balkan Skies - Mauro Giuliani
- Bass Solo With Chord Accompaniment
- Blessed Assurance - Fanny Crosby Arr: Bill Bay
- Bohemian Waltz
- Bourree (In B Minor) - Johann Krieger
- Caballero - Pleyel
- Caprice - Matteo Carcassi
- Carcassi's Waltz
- Chopin's Prelude
- Classic Dance
- Conchita - Dionisio Aguado
- Cradle Song - Johann Brahms
- Dawn - Mazas-Bay
- Don Quixote - Dionisio Aguado
- El Rey
- Etude - Matteo Carcassi
- Flower Song - Lange
- Follow The Leader
- Frolic - Fernando Sor
- Gavotte - J. S. Bach
- Granada Memories, Based On An Etude By Aguado
- How Can I Leave Thee
- In The Evening By The Moonlight - Bland
- Italian Air - Matteo Carcassi
- Lazy Evening
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Arr: William Bay
- Little Minuet - Adaptation Of A Melody By Carcassi
- Love Song
- March Majestic
- March Slav - Peter Tchaikovsky
- Maria
- Matamoras
- Melody In F - Rubenstein-Bay
- Minuet - De Visee
- Minuet From Don Juan - Mozart
- Minuetto Gebaur, Opus 10
- Moderato - Mauro Giuliani
- Nocturne - Dionisio Aguado
- Petite Waltz
- Playtime - Pleyel
- Prelude In A Major - Sor
- Prelude, Opus 28 No 20 - Fredric Chopin
- Rain Drops
- Recreation - Mauro Giuliani
- Rondo - Matteo Carcassi
- Rondo In E Major
- Rosario
- Senora
- Senorita
- Serenade - R. De Visee
- Silver Threads Among The Gold
- Small Chord Etude
- Soliloquy
- Sor's Etude In D Major
- Sor's Waltz
- Spanish Waltz
- Sparkling Stella
- Step Lively
- Taranto - Matteo Carcassi
- The Blue Tail Fly
- The Builder
- The Chord Waltz
- The Commentator - Matteo Carcassi And
- The Court Jester - Matteo Carcassi
- The Foggy, Foggy Dew
- The Gauchos - Matteo Carcassi And
- The Happy Farmer
- The Happy Guitarist
- The Lido - Mauro Giuliani
- The Little Elf - Carulli
- The Little Prince - Mazas
- The Merry Men
- The Music Box
- The Poet And The Peasant - Von Suppe
- The Speedway
- Theme From The "Minute Waltz" - Frederic Chopin
- To A Wild Rose - Edward Macdowell
- Venetian Nights - Matteo Carcassi
- Waltz
- Waltz - Ferdinando Carulli
- Waltz
- Waltz In A Flat - Johannes Brahms Opus 39 No 2
- Waltz In E - Ferdinando Carulli
- Waltz In E Minor
- Witchcraft
- Wondrous Love - Arr: William Bay
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