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Baerenreiter Verlag Complete Songs for High Voice - Mozart/Ballin - High Voice/Piano - Book
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- BA5330
Editor: Ernst August Ballin
Format: Book, Urtext Edition
Voicing: High Voice and Piano
Mozart's lieder reveal him to be a dramatist in miniature. Even if he failed to cultivate this genre systematically he nevertheless directed his creative powers toward the lied at all stages of his career. His first effort (now lost) was written at the age of six or seven and he took up the genre again and again, at irregular intervals, down to the final year of his life. None the less, Mozart usually chose to write a lied only when there was a special occasion for doing so. Even the preface to the first complete edition of his lieder, published in 1799 by Breitkopf & Haertel, refers to them as "occasional pieces", as does the Leipzig Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung in the same year. Mozart himself doubtless regarded these ingenious little works as "pieces for friends", and was not disposed to think of them as particularly significant.
- Preface
- An die Freude KV 53 (43b)
- "Wie unglucklich bin ich nit" KV 147 (128g)
- "Auf die feierliche Johannisloge" KV 148 (125h)
- "Oiseaux, si tous les ans" KV 307 (284d)
- "Dans un bois solitaire" KV 308 (295b)
- Die Zufriedenheit (Johann Martin Miller): KV 349 (367a)
- 1. Fassung: Mit Mandolinenbegleitung
- 2. Fassung: Mit Klavierbegleitung
- "Komm, liebe Zither, komm" KV 351 (367b)
- "Verdankt sei es dem Glanz der Grossen" KV 392 (340a)
- "Sei du mein Trost" KV 391 (340c)
- "Ich wurd' auf meinem Pfad" KV 390 (340c)
- Lied zur Gesellenreise KV 468
- Der Zauberer KV 472
- Die Zufriedenheit (Christian Felix Weisse) KV 473
- Die betrogene Welt KV 474
- Das Veilchen KV 476
- Lied der Freiheit KV 506
- Zwei deutsche Kirchenlieder: KV 343 (336c)
- a) "O Gotteslamm"
- b) "Als aus Agypten"
- Die Alte KV 517
- Die Verschweigung KV 518
- Das Lied der Trennung KV 519
- Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte KV 520
- Abendempfindung an Laura KV 523
- An Chloe KV 524
- Des kleinen Friedrichs Geburtstag KV 529
- Das Traumbild KV 530
- Die kleine Spinnerin KV 531
- Lied beim Auszug in das Feld KV 552
- Sehnsucht nach dem Fruhlinge KV 596
- Der Fruhling KV 597
- Das Kinderspiel KV 598
- Appendix:
- 1. "Ridente la calma" KV 152 (210a)
- 2. "Ah! spiegarti, oh Dio" KV 178 (125i/417e)
- English translations of the Lieder texts
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